Title: Gravity Pairing: Daiki Arioka X OC (saikilove ) Type: One-shot, Birthday gift A/N: beta-ed by anakhai , I'm proud :D No summaries for you dear. Inspired by Sara Bareilles' Gravity. You should listen to the song while reading. It's an order XDDD
Hi Minna-san.. April desu.. presenting: Hey Say Best's Christmas Message.. sad to say no Yabu message.. Just got this one from a Chinese site.. all credits goes to them...
Title: The Boy Who Leapt Through Time 2 Author: icarus_fly Pairing: Daiki Arioka x Adventures HAHAHAHA! Dai-chan X OC <3 Summary : Daiki gets lost in space. LOL Warning: It's something weird. Not shoujo-ish, sorry.
Title: The Boy Who Leapt Through Time 2 Author: icarus_fly Pairing: Daiki Arioka x Adventures HAHAHAHA! Dai-chan X OC <3 Summary : Daiki gets lost in space. LOL Warning: It's something weird. Not shoujo-ish, sorry.
Title: The Boy Who Leapt Through Time Author: icarus_fly Pairing: Daiki Arioka x Adventures HAHAHAHA! Dai-chan X OC <3 Summary : Daiki starts his day bad. But wait there's more... hahahahah (hindi matino pati summary. hahay)